Yin Deep - Transition
Yin Deep – Transition
Saturday 12th October 3 -6pm
Investment £35
As we begin to transition into the Yin side of the Celtic Wheel of the Year, help your body to relax, restore and re-energise.
Spend the afternoon in stillness, warmth and candle light to prepare your body and soul for the coming winter months.
Natalie will guide you through a gentle yet powerful sequence that will help you release stagnant energy and encourage healthy chi to move freely around your body. This space is created with love and care and serves to remind your beautiful soul that it is time to slow down, to travel inwards and tend to your body’s needs.
It is important for your overall wellbeing and health to create time for stillness, calm and peace. Natalie’s Yin Deep sessions gives you the opportunity to gift yourself this in her beautiful, cosy and healing space.
Client Love for Yin Deep
“I always find the time flies by in these sessions. Natalie creates such a nurturing environment, I completely lose track of time and space and worry.” Helen
“I arrived here feeling so exhausted and I am leaving completely energised and happy. I feel transformed!” Lisa
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